Tuesday, August 7, 2012

From Jay, Sunday 8.6.12

Well, I am going to make an attempt to write an update.

We had an eventful afternoon with a good meeting with the pulmonologist. We discussed next steps for after we hear back from the expert team in Denver. At this point, we really need to hear from the Denver team as their response will guide the next steps. We are grateful for their willingness to review Caroline's case. Please pray that we get a response soon.

As we walk around the hospital, we are consistently reminded how blessed we are and thankful we can be for our current circumstances. As we have said many times before, there are many families who are experiencing much much more difficult circumstances than we face today. I respect those families greatly.

I read Philippians 4 this morning. We are learning to be content in our situation and trusting God for His purposes and desires for our family. We are now in the midst of trying to live the declaration we used at the end of a talk at Connect Church in March and at the end of a talk at ServantU at DBU in July.

The declaration: God is really big, I am really small, and His greatness compels me to fully surrender my needs, wants, desires, plans, stuff, money, relationships, significance, past, present, and future completely to Him. I will trust and pursue Him fervently if He gives abundantly, and I will trust and pursue Him fervently if earthly delight is removed from my life or never given to me.

We would rather live this at home with no difficulty going about our normal family life. For this time, we get to live this in a room on the pulmonary floor at Children's Medical Center. We try to live with extreme trust and faith in God during conversations about lung biopsies, anesthesia, and impedance probes.

As we spend a lot of time at the hospital, we watch a lot of Olympics and do a lot of reading. I read the book "Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy" by Eric Metaxas. I flew through this biography on one of my favorite theologians and heroes of the faith. Upon finishing that book, I decided to read Metaxas' biography on William Wilberforce called "Amazing Grace."

This book was the basis for the movie of the same name on Wilberforce. I recommend the book and the movie. Wilberforce was a British politician who was a brilliant orator and had profound impact on British society by leading and persuading the country to abolish the slave trade.

Wilberforce is not portrayed completely accurately in the film as in reality, he was only 5ft tall and was often ill throughout his childhood. I tell all that to say that this biography reminded me that lung disease nor any other problem or disease defines us. God can and does use the small and the sick for His purposes and maybe even to change the world.

Our prayer for Jett and Caroline has always been for them to be used by God to change the world for His glory.

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